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Happy Mother’s Day! To all of the mothers out there… we owe everything to you!

Please enjoy the sweet Youtube clip posted below in honor of mothers and the special, invaluable relationships we have with them.

Click here to watch, and may all of you moms feel extra cherished this coming Sunday.







Hope everyone’s spring has been off to a lovely start!



Dr. Carter and staff


May is here at last! As we ease our way into the start of spring, there is lots to be excited about! Warm weather, sunny days, blooming flowers, and the nearing summer months just to name a few.

Let us not forget that with the approaching warmth comes those strong, harmful rays from the sun that we all dread. Even on cloudy days, it is important to remember that your skin is still getting exposed to the UV rays that can lead to skin cancer.

In light of melanoma awareness month this May, we want all of our beloved patients to remember the importance of protecting their skin. Skin cancer is on the rise, due to recent research, but thankfully there are things we can each do to lower our risk.


Refresh your knowledge on melanoma with the link here, and let’s all stock up on sunscreen this spring and summer!



Another post to come soon,


Dr Carter and staff

With Mother’s Day right around the corner, we want to take the time to celebrate all of the wonderful mothers in our lives. Mothers are so special and we believe that they should be celebrated not just on Mother’s Day, but everyday.  There are so many ways to show the moms in our lives how much we appreciate them. From making them breakfast in bed to giving them flowers, we are sharing a great article that includes a list some of the many small ways in which we can celebrate moms by:

Thanking her.

Telling her you love her.

Calling her.

Helping her around the house or with her errands.

Making her dinner.

Visiting her and spend some quality time with her.

Giving her a card.


Read here to learn more!

We wish all of our hard-working, loving, and beautiful moms an amazing Mother’s Day!

The World Heath Organization and U.S. Food and Drug Administration both concur that anaplastic large cell lymphoma can develop following breast implants. So far, current research supports that this may occur more often in textured implants than smooth ones.


Read here to learn more!

Recent findings suggest that just because you may not have many moles on your body does not mean you’re not at risk for melanoma. In fact, you may even be at higher risk.

Just one more reason to make sure you are constantly checking your skin for anything funny looking, and to see a dermatologist at least one a year!

Click here to read the article!






As always, love your skin the way that we love you!


Mary Ella and Ladies