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AbbyAbby Gustaitis, former medical assistant for Dr. Mary Ella Carter, was asked to train with the USA Women’s Rugby Team before moving on to medical school. We are so proud of you, Abby! Hope to watch you shine in Rio, Brazil 2016!

Read more by clicking here!



August 2015


September 2015

Before and After

This past summer, Dr. Mary Ella Carter donated a week of her time and skills assisting the underprivileged patients of Hôpital du Sacré Cœur in Haiti with the Crudem Foundation.

This teenaged boy’s before and after photos depict the removal of what was a disfiguring facial tumor.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. Breast Cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death in the United States, but regular breast cancer screening is one of the best factors for early detection.

Dr. Mary Ella Carter is proud to be one of the foremost surgeons for breast cancer surgical reconstruction in the DC/MD/VA area. Interested in discussing breast cancer treatment and reconstruction? Contact Our Office 

To learn more about how you can get involved, please click here:



Now families have more reasons than ever to trust Johns Hopkins Sibley Memorial Hospital with their healthcare!

This month we celebrate the opening of the new $9 million dollar emergency department on Sibley Memorial Hospital campus. This new emergency department is part of a larger construction project scheduled to be completed in Spring of 2016, including a new cancer center, infusion center, and expanded radiation oncology services.

Dr. Mary Ella Carter and her staff are honored to be part of the on-call team. Read more about the new facility HERE

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In our last post, we saw a glimpse of the important work that Dr. Carter was able to do while in Haiti. This week, we are excited to welcome her back to the office and share more information about her mission trip and the CRUDEM foundation!


From Left to Right: Mary Ella Carter (Plastic Surgery), Albert Fleury (Plastic Surgery), Colette Magnant, (Breast and General Surgery),Sally Reinholdt (RN), Andrew Umhau (Internal Medicine), Missy Stockstill (RN), Marjorie Brennan (Pediatric Anesthesiology) and Kitty Haywood (PA-C). 

The medical team was very busy and performed over thirty surgical procedures. Dr. Umhau made sure that all of the patients were medically fit for surgery. The surgeons had two operating rooms, one for breast surgery, and one for plastic surgery. Dr. Magnant was able to treat five patients for advanced breast cancer, as well as treating large benign tumors and performing breast biopsies.

Dr. Mary Ella Carter ran the plastic surgery operating room with Dr. Fleury. They were presented with a young man with a large facial tumor, which Dr. Carter was able to remove. Fortunately, the tumor was benign, and the boy healed without complications. Here are some pictures before and after surgery:
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Dr. Carter also had the opportunity to operate on patients with severe wounds and burns. The highlight of the trip was a walk with Sister Anne, to visit some of the many families for whom she provides support through CRUDEM. To date, she has been able to build more than 70 houses, each of which may house 8-10 people or more:
new housesr anne1

Thank you to everyone who has helped to support Dr. Carter and the CRUDEM foundation on this trip to Hopital Sacre Coeur. To learn more about the CRUDEM foundation, click here: